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Kaybarr 18-11-2019 01:12 AM

update & question: new meds (tw: suicide mention)
hey so it’s been a hot minute and I feel like I afk’d kinda abruptly, so I thought I’d just let everyone know where I am rn as far as health management. basically, we tried upping my antidepressant and that went badly, but I was reluctant to drop it back down because it was the first time I’ve ever had less executive dysfunction issues. like, sure I’m more actively suicidal and my SI has gotten worse, but at least I can get up to, idk, clean a (singular one) thing (lol). so I was ready to just try and handle those issues and hope it settles down, because again that’s the most it’s ever done for me and that feels really significant.

but ofc the psychiatrist doesn’t want me offing myself so she convinced me to go back to the lower dosage but add an entirely new med on top of it. it’s called vortioxitine (I think. brand name Trintellix) and apparently it’s relatively new, approved in the US in 2013. I haven’t done my usual level of research on it yet, so I don’t know much about it, but I don’t start taking that til Thursday. so honestly idk if it’s dropping back to my regular dose or just knowing that something is being done now, but I’m feeling better. I scared myself a bit yesterday and a couple days ago, but it’s okay.

my question is basically, have any of you been on vortioxitine or know anything about it beyond the basics? I’d really like to hear about it from someone who’s actually taken it, if anyone has. thanks in advance 💌

tamobhuuta 18-11-2019 01:27 PM

I've never taken it but my sister is on it. Sadly it hasn't really helped but it sounds like it might be worth a try for you.

Fire Fly 20-11-2019 05:18 PM

I am in vortioxetine. I think it’s okayish. I’m not entirely sure if it’s helped completely but I am on two. It does cause itchy skin when you start and when I’ve had a dose increase. It’s new but I’ve heard good things about it.

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