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nonperson 15-09-2018 01:45 PM

Where do you buy your clothes?
Everyone loves a good fashion debate.

I hate clothes shopping and I'm not fashionable and just want simple jeans, hoodies, tshirts but can't seem to find any of this stuff anywhere any more. Particularly jeans that aren't skinny fit! Is that the only style that exists now!?

So... where does everyone get their clothes from nowadays?


not_so_insig 15-09-2018 02:03 PM

I am plus sized so nowhere in town sells clothes my size. So therefore I have to buy all my clothes online. I buy mainly from yours clothing, Evans and ebay.

nonperson 15-09-2018 02:06 PM

I'm never sure on the quality of ebay stuff sometimes!

one_step_closer 15-09-2018 02:19 PM

I get a lot of my stuff from Primark. I don't really buy clothes much because I am also not fashionable and I don't like a lot of the stuff that is in the shops now. Primark used to be better in my opinion. I get t-shirts from places like Truffle Shuffle (online) and Qwertee (online) because I like funky ones.

nonperson 15-09-2018 02:22 PM

Primark scares me...! I've not heard of those websites so I'll check them out. Thanks, Lindsay. =)

not_so_insig 15-09-2018 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by nonperson (Post 4189731)
I'm never sure on the quality of ebay stuff sometimes!

I avoid sellers based in China because of the fact that sizing can be a bit hit and miss.

chinahorse 15-09-2018 03:26 PM

H&M and Next do plain good quality 'basics' (which is the section where you'd find such things). They also have online shops cos I know you hate actual shopping.

The jeans I'm not sure- I don't wear them! M&S maybe?

nonperson 15-09-2018 03:37 PM

Thanks, Lillie. I haven't looked at H&M or Next for ages actually. Next used to be my go-to place for jeans. M&S jeans have been a bit average in the past but good quality. Might take another look. I'm also trying to find womens cargo trousers but they're all skinny fit too.

You don't wear jeans?! =o

chinahorse 15-09-2018 03:43 PM

How can a jean be above average?!

I dont wear em cos Im super duper sensitive to fabrics. I can just about wear them for a few hours or so, and I do have a pair I think?!

What sort of cargo pants?

nonperson 15-09-2018 03:53 PM

Dunno, baggy ones. =P

chinahorse 15-09-2018 04:02 PM

Outdoor shops like tresspass, regatta, go outdoors, millets often have the more practical sort of cargo pants.

nonperson 15-09-2018 04:17 PM

Yep I should have a look at those places too. I think there's a Trespass somewhere here.

MunchBox 15-09-2018 10:35 PM


nonperson 15-09-2018 10:48 PM

Always thought that was just an American thing!

Eska 16-09-2018 05:17 PM

Fatface and H&M and Cotswold Outdoor cover most of my bases.

Oh and TK Maxx

Soft Kitty 16-09-2018 10:58 PM

I really like eBay at the moment but tend to go for people selling second-hand clothes (I'm classy like that!) mainly because they're cheaper and have usually stood the test of time if they're from a relatively good shop. I'm less sure on jeans, hoodies etc. though, sorry.

nonperson 16-09-2018 11:17 PM

I've bought nearly-new Next jeans from eBay before because I can't find the style I like in the shops any more so it's always worth a look. Thanks. =)

Straight 3 17-09-2018 06:31 AM

Tag sales - yard sales - goodwill. Feel like I'm helping a good cause, in addition, my body change so much.. can't see spending retail prices.

Zedebee 22-09-2018 09:18 PM

Asda has awesome jeans for people that don't just want all the skinny stuff.

nonperson 22-09-2018 10:18 PM

I used to get all my jeans from George but couldn't find anything but skinny stuff the last time I looked.

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