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NIGHTMARE__x 27-08-2007 11:48 PM

Serious questions. [Apparently.]
1. Do you have a college degree?
I dont have a degree, as of such. But i have passed my college course.

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
I couldn't tell you. I dont pay it.

3. Do you have life insurance?
I dont.

4. How many hours per week do you work?

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
I haven't. Am i missing out?

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
Ooo, i dont really care. As long as there is alcohol.

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
I walk about 20 minutes if that counts?

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
About 10 past 8, to be there for half past. But im lame, so i dont get the until about 9. :wow:

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?

11. How large was your first cell phone?
It was a Nokia 3310. :/

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
I dont know.

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
I dont write research papers.

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?
No, im not old enough yet, i dont think.

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?
Well, no. Not really, i mean i was covering someone on maternity for my first job, and my second im still working in.

17. What is your favorite drink?
Ooo, it depends where i am. At home its has to be Tea. And at the pub, i'd saaaay..Malibu and coke.

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
I dont care much for wine. I dont drink it.

19. Have you been divorced?
I'd have to have been married first.

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?

21. Favorite casino?
I dont have one.

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?
Not really.

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?

26. Have you had a will made?

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
The Sex Pistols, they pretty much over took my music taste when i was 16.

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
Ooo, i dont know.

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
A what now?

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
At school i think..?

31. Do you have any children yet?
Not yet.


romancandle 28-08-2007 02:36 AM

1. Do you have a college degree?
Not yet, working on my Psych.

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
I cannot remember. I know it was a lot, because my A/C was messed up for so long and would run constantly.

3. Do you have life insurance?

4. How many hours per week do you work?

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
Sounds fun.

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
No happy hour.

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
I don't commute anywhere.

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
I get up when I want.

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?

11. How large was your first cell phone?
Not too big, but not as small as the ones you see nowadays.

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
No employer.

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
Yes, but I use books more.

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?
No, and I never would.

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?
Four, I think.

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?

17. What is your favorite drink?
Brown's Cream Soda.

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
I don't like wine. I'm unrefined :3

19. Have you been divorced?
No. Never been married.

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
I don't attempt to get IDed, because I know I'm underage.

21. Favorite casino?

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?
Haha, yes.

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?

26. Have you had a will made?

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16? Either a tie between Brainiac, Black Flag, and The Misfits.

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
The Deck House.

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
A couple years. I was about 17 at the time.

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?

31. Do you have any children yet?
No, none for me, thank you.

~invisible~girl~ 28-08-2007 04:30 AM

1. Do you have a college degree?
Not yet, but I will in a little under 2 years...

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
don't pay it

3. Do you have life insurance?

4. How many hours per week do you work?
actual job: zero. school work: a lot.

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
a what?

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
considering i'm under age, any place that would let me in, but i dont know of any place

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
zero... i'm a full time student, and i live on campus so i don't comute to school either

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
school, you mean... since classes just started today, i don't know yet, but i'm guessing it'll be around 10-11 on mondays, wednesdays and fridays (no class until 12!), and about 8:30 on tuesdays and thrusdays (class at 9am)

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
idk, 2 maybe?

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?
no. i'm pretty sure i don't need to yet.

11. How large was your first cell phone?
pretty small. smaller than my current one, actually. it was only six years ago, so they did make small cell phones back then, although it didn't have a color screen. nor did it double as an iPod like my current phone does :-p

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
haven't got an employer, but my school provides i think fairly decent insurance, but my dad's employer does better, and i'm still covered by his insurance

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
of course. i rarely use anything else. i'm thinking this survey is meant for people a bit older than me - the first time i remember using the internet for a research paper was for a report on panda bears in the 2nd grade...

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?
no. i haven't been gone anywhere near long enough to want to see my old classmates again.

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?
two. plus one unpaided one in high school.

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?
no. i've never had one i could have been fired from though, since all i've had were summer internship-ish things.

17. What is your favorite drink?

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
i really wouldn't know

19. Have you been divorced?
no. i haven't even had a boyfriend yet.

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
i'd still get id-ed now if i tried. actually, i'd probably just be told i have to be 21 to buy it, considering people generally think i look about 14. that's what happened last time i was id-ed for something, and that was just for a lighter - it wasn't "can i see some id please" it was "you have to be 18 to buy that" (and that was only like a year ago).

21. Favorite casino?
don't think i'm allowed in yet, as the only one i've been in chased me out for being under 21 (and i wasn't even gambling anyway, i was looking for my mom).

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?
not really

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?
i don't want mtv anyway, so i wouldn't know

26. Have you had a will made?
nope. i haven't exactly got much to give away at this point

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
you mean my iPod? i don't actually remember...

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
this french resturant near where i live

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
never. well, we did have a root beer keg party a few years ago - does that count?

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
in bed. my mom came into my room and woke me up before i'd normally get up for school and said "they blew up the world trade center"

31. Do you have any children yet?

Lil'MissLaLa 28-08-2007 01:59 PM

1. Do you have a college degree?
no :sad:

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
I have a key meter

3. Do you have life insurance?
I dont.

4. How many hours per week do you work?
none, im off long term sick leave

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
wats one of those??

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day
less than 1min walk!

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
unable to work atm

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?

11. How large was your first cell phone?

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
have the nhs!

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
dnt write research papers

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?
dnt have a 'professional' career as such!

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?
yes but it was unfair as i was sick at the time and they fired me anyway!

17. What is your favorite drink?
strawberry nesquik
18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
I dnt have any

19. Have you been divorced?

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
i still do!

21. Favorite casino?
I dont have one.

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?
Not really.

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?
wat r they?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?

26. Have you had a will made?

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
lene marlin, coldplay, dido etc

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
i dnt eat out

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
wat in gods name is a kegger????

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
in inpatient treatment

31. Do you have any children yet?

Jaffa 28-08-2007 06:32 PM

1. Do you have a college degree?
Hmm, i guess this is american - in which case they mean Uni. So no. I've finished sixth form college though and got my A-levels.

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
I don't pay it.

3. Do you have life insurance?
Urmmm? Not that i know of.

4. How many hours per week do you work?
None. Unemployed innit.

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
The caggge.

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
I don't work.

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
Don't work...but atm about 11. Depends what i'm doing.

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
About 3pm.

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?

11. How large was your first cell phone?
It was a Nokia 3310...quite chunky.

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
Not employed.

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
Blahh no.

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?
It's in 2010 apparently.

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?

17. What is your favorite drink?
Malibu and diet coke or Southern comfort and lemonade.

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?

19. Have you been divorced?
I'm only 18!

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
I still do lol.

21. Favorite casino?
Don't go.

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?

26. Have you had a will made?

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
Pretty much the same as is in it now.

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
Dunno, we always go to the cheap places.

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
At school, i only found out when i got home though.

31. Do you have any children yet?

*Beth* 28-08-2007 07:55 PM

1. Do you have a college degree?

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
I don't read them! I think about 65 quid

3. Do you have life insurance?

4. How many hours per week do you work?
38 and a half

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
A what?... that'd be a no

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
At a bar on the beach somewhere exotic

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
*goes to find out*... 13 miles as the crow flies, but probably more like 18

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
It depends what shift i'm on, but for days i'm usually up at 5am.

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
Ahhh that would be after Night Duty and sleeping till 6pm

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?

11. How large was your first cell phone?
It wasn't really very big.. it was an Ericsson something or other

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
It does if you opt in for it, but we pretty much have Doctors/Nurses/Psych's to see direct through Occupational Health

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
Probably, when i was at Uni

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?
No, there hasn't been one. I wouldn't even if there was though

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?
Not yet...

17. What is your favorite drink?
Cherry Coke

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
At the moment, a 45 quid one

19. Have you been divorced?

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
I haven't stopped being ID'd yet... and i'm 25

21. Favorite casino?
I dont have one

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?
No definately not

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?
Haha no

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?

26. Have you had a will made?

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
Backstreet Boys :D.

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
The Quayside in St. Katherine's Dock

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
A what?

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
In the staff room at work, on the phone to a friend who told me.. i thought they were messing around... then i looked at the TV. I thought the world was ending. I went on to the roof to watch it end :D

31. Do you have any children yet?

i.n.f.i.n.i.t.e.s.i.m.a.l 29-08-2007 08:43 AM

1. Do you have a college degree?

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?

3. Do you have life insurance?

4. How many hours per week do you work?
Currently none.

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
Hasn't even happened in over 3 years.

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
I'm not working this month.

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
Well, when I was working I got up at 7:30. Lately I've been getting up at noon...

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?

11. How large was your first cell phone?
I still don't have one.

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?
Professional career? none. In my life? 3 or 4

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?

17. What is your favorite drink?
Just one?

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?

19. Have you been divorced?

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
I still do sometimes.

21. Favorite casino?

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?

26. Have you had a will made?

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
I'm not sure.

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
I haven't even been to any.

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
Never have.

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
At school.

31. Do you have any children yet?

destroy-!!!-infinity 29-08-2007 04:54 PM

1. Do you have a college degree?
no. i'm on my 5th year of "taking a semester off."

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
hmmm...around $35 i think.

3. Do you have life insurance?
just a small amount that is free as part of my savings account.

4. How many hours per week do you work?
40hrs or more.

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?

just had to look it up on wikipedia, definitely no.

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
happy hour is actually illegal in my county due to an old law. plus we live in the bible belt. there are some good bars that have 2-4-1's but that lasts all night.

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
i'm not sure how many miles...maybe 7.

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
i have to be at work at 7:30a.m. ,,,usually wake up around 6:51a.m. ...i like to sleep in as long as i can.

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
there have been a couple times that i slept until around 3 in the afternoon...but i was up until around 9 in the morning when that’s happened.

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?

11. How large was your first cell phone?
it was a ericson t-28 world that i got free when i worked for t-mobile. really pretty tiny compared to other phones when it came out 6 years ago.

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
no...i can either buy my own, or they deduct about $120 a week from my paycheck...for $480 a month i think i can buy my own for less. haven't yet though.

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
i have in the past. as one resource on top of others.

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?
3. including my current one. i worked 2 years at hot topic, 5.5 years at t-mobile, and my contract with this employer should last around 1 year.

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?

17. What is your favorite drink?
erm. depends on what i'm in the mood for. either water, orange juice, or powers irish whiskey...again, depending on the mood.

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
i think the most i spent was around $45 on a really nice german riesling. most of the wine i buy regularly is around $15 a bottle. so, not that fancy.

19. Have you been divorced?
no. nor have i been married.

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
still do sometimes.

21. Favorite casino?
don't like gambling. plus i'm bad at it.

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?
in some ways....

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?
definitely no.

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?
yea...well, at least i remember him being black...i don't remember ever really seeing him with a girl except in his music videos.

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?
yes. jerks. mtv2 did for a time, then they went under as well.

26. Have you had a will made?
only verbally with friends. we joke about those things sometimes.

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
the main ones i can recall are: switchblade symphony, kmfdm, tori amos, bjork, sisters of mercy...

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
don't really like many of those...i guess, genghis khan’s in kansas city. it’s a mongolian barbeque.

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
halloween party a couple years ago. but it wasn't really a kegger, there was a keg present, but, we weren’t doing keg stands or beer bongs or anything.

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
at my apartment. i woke up early and turned on the tv...it was an odd site to wake up to. neither tower had yet collapsed...then it got worse.

31. Do you have any children yet?
hell no...

Tears and Rain 05-10-2007 08:04 AM

1. Do you have a college degree?
As in a uni degree? No..I have college exams...?

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
I don't pay it. So I don't know.

3. Do you have life insurance?
I doubt it.

4. How many hours per week do you work?
As in job wise? Nothing unless you count voluntary stuff for lyk..4hours.

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
A what?

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
I don't suppose it matters, it's happy hour.

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
To 6th form lyk, 20minute walk.

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
12/1. Niiice.

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?
No don't be silly i'd probably live in fear of dying from it. Hah.

11. How large was your first cell phone?
It was a Nokia 3310. =] Hardcore.

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
Well i'm researching...so I guess so?

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?

17. What is your favorite drink?
Teaaa//Orange juice. Maybe. Cheerrryaddee :] Hah.

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
Not a foggy, there's a cupboard of them though.

19. Have you been divorced?
Nope not yet.

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
I don't but alcohol. I get someone actually overage to do so for me :]

21. Favorite casino?

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?
6th form's still high school innit? But if not yes I probably am. Maybe?

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?
What colour shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?
I duno.

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?
Yess. Back in the day.

26. Have you had a will made?

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
Umm loads of stuff? Nought different tbh.

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
Hell knows.

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
A what now?

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
At home.

31. Do you have any children yet?

RubyTuesday 05-10-2007 11:31 AM

1. Do you have a college degree?
Nope haven't been to college yet.

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
I don't pay it so I don't know.

3. Do you have life insurance?
I don't think so.

4. How many hours per week do you work?

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
Nope. What's one of them when it's at home?

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
Pot Oil.

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
It takes me about 5 seconds to get to work cos I live in the Vicarage.

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
Half an hour before work.

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
All day.

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?
Hahaha no.

11. How large was your first cell phone?
Quite small actually.

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
No do they hell.

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
What's a research paper?

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?
I only left 2 years ago.

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?
Nope and I hope I don't get fired from this job cos I love it.

17. What is your favorite drink?
Tea for non alcoholic and fosters for alcoholic.

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
I don't drink wine so I don't have any.

19. Have you been divorced?
Nope not even got married yet.

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?

21. Favorite casino?
Can't say I've ever bee o a casino in my entire life.

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?
Yeah ten million times happier.

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?
Nope. What are they?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?

26. Have you had a will made?
Hahaha no.

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
I don't think they've heard of fancy restaurants round here.

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
What exactly?

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
In school in DT.

31. Do you have any children yet?

Sorrowfree 05-10-2007 03:19 PM

1. Do you have a college degree?
No, I'm still at school.

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
I don't pay an electrical bill.

3. Do you have life insurance?
I think so.

4. How many hours per week do you work?
N/A. Full time school student.

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
What on earth? I'm hoping that's a toaster convention, because it's a much funnier idea than some speech-making seminar or something.

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
I don't drink.

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
Nearly three.

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
6:00 is when I'm meant to be up, but it can be as late as 7:00.

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
Any later than I'm meant to. Even at weekends, 9:00 would be sleeping late.

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?
I'm a non-smoking 18-year-old vegetarian. Cholesterol is not my greatest health worry.

11. How large was your first cell phone?
About 12cm long?

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
I don't have a job.

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?
I'm still at school!

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?
Again, I am still at school!

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?
I are serious poster. This are serious quiz.

17. What is your favorite drink?

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
No idea.

19. Have you been divorced?
I'd have to have been married first.

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
Never buy alcohol.

21. Favorite casino?
Who on earth wrote this?

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?
I have never watched MTV.

26. Have you had a will made?

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
Er... pretty much the same as now. A mix of stuff.

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
I like the Tower restaurant at the museum.

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
I have never been to one and don't ever want to go!

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
In the car, coming home from school.

31. Do you have any children yet?

fallenprincess 05-10-2007 04:57 PM

1. Do you have a college degree?

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
Haven't a clue

3. Do you have life insurance?

4. How many hours per week do you work?

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
Whats that?

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
Nowhere, I don't drink

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
I get up at 7:30 for school

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
Just don't get up, oh how I miss those days

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?

11. How large was your first cell phone?
A brick, ha ha, smaller than the one I have now.

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
Don't have an employer

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
Used to.

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?
Yeah, two.

17. What is your favorite drink?
Diet Coke

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?

19. Have you been divorced?
Never been married

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
Not that long ago

21. Favorite casino?
Never been in one

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?
No difference

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?

26. Have you had a will made?

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
New Order

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
At home.

31. Do you have any children yet?
Yes, one.

*Beth* 05-10-2007 05:22 PM

1. Do you have a college degree?

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
About 60 quid i think, I don't read them

3. Do you have life insurance?

4. How many hours per week do you work?

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
Whats that?

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
Nowhere, I don't really drink

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
17 as the crow flies. It works out more like 28 though

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
For day duty, 5am. For nights, whenever i wake up.

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
Till 11 :)

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?

11. How large was your first cell phone?
Umm it wasn't actually that big i don't think. It was an Ericsson

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
No. They provide occupational health service, which is slightly different.

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
Used to

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?
Not quite yet.

17. What is your favorite drink?
Black coffee

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
Umm we have a bottle of Dom Perignon somewhere.. i think it was about 120 quid.

19. Have you been divorced?
Never been married

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
I haven't reached that age yet. I'm 25 and still get ID'd

21. Favorite casino?

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?
No, i was depressed then.. i'm even more depressed now.

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?

26. Have you had a will made?
Yes :/

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
I don't remember :/

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
Georgio's. It's not THAT fancy though

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
A what?

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
In the staff room at work.

31. Do you have any children yet?

-Tough-Cookie- 06-10-2007 12:21 AM

1. Do you have a college degree?
I do

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
i dont pay the bills

3. Do you have life insurance?

4. How many hours per week do you work?
Im at uni

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
Whats that?

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
I don't really drink

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
Its about 30 to uni

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
7 ish for uni

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
past 9

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?

11. How large was your first cell phone?
Umm it little - the one from the first martrix film

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
Used to

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?

17. What is your favorite drink?

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
not much 30 maube

19. Have you been divorced?
Never been married

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
never have

21. Favorite casino?

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?
a little

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?

26. Have you had a will made?

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
I don't remember

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
a place in a village nr me its a one off family run thing

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
A what?

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
on my way home from school

31. Do you have any children yet?

Morbidia 06-10-2007 01:42 AM

1. Do you have a college degree?
Nah, only spent a couple weeks in college

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
Uhhh, i dunno

3. Do you have life insurance?

4. How many hours per week do you work?
Currently I consider looking after my cat work, so about 28 hours a week

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
Hmmm, toast

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
Happy hours are crap, just encourage alcoholism

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
As its looking after my cat, 3 steps, 13 stairs and another 3 steps

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
Uhhh, about 12

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?

11. How large was your first cell phone?
Uhhhh, dont remember

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?

I used to

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?
Not as of yet

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?

Nah, told my boss to basiclly **** off and then left

17. What is your favorite drink?
J2O, or in a pub, J2O and vodka

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
I donny drink wine

19. Have you been divorced?

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
I've never been ID-ed when buying it from a shop

21. Favorite casino?
I dont have one

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?
Uhhh, nope

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?
Lol, no, but i have heard the myth

26. Have you had a will made?

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
Uhhhm *thinks hard* Green Day

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
*shrugs*I dunno

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
In my room, bunking off school

31. Do you have any children yet?
Yeah, my Vampire Kitty

svenn 06-10-2007 02:06 AM

1. Do you have a college degree?
yup i have a b.a. in bs. or political science.

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
i don't pay it.

3. Do you have life insurance?

4. How many hours per week do you work?
about 40

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
what is that?

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
a few times

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
about 20 miles

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
anything after 7.

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?

11. How large was your first cell phone?
not too big

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
not so much

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
when i wrote papers

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?
it has been long enough yet

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?
i have never had a career. just jobs

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?
laid off twice and i was called back to one. the other went out of buisness

17. What is your favorite drink?
black tea. *nods*

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
i don't think there is any wine here

19. Have you been divorced?

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
when i quit drinking

21. Favorite casino?

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?
yes. i feel very old now

26. Have you had a will made?
not yet

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
metallica, acdc, anf rhcp

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
cheesecake factory

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
long time ago

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
looking fr a place to pay my electric bill

31. Do you have any children yet?
not that i know of ;)

Zedebee 06-10-2007 08:20 PM

1. Do you have a college degree?
Not yet, no

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
I don't pay it. So I don't know.

3. Do you have life insurance?
I doubt it.

4. How many hours per week do you work?
As in job wise? None

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
A what?

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
I don't suppose it matters, it's happy hour.

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
To uni, 10 mins by car, varies with bus

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
It varies...'cause my timetable's fun...

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?
Um. No.

11. How large was your first cell phone?
I...can't remember....

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?

17. What is your favorite drink?

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
We don't own any wine...

19. Have you been divorced?

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
Still get ID-ed

21. Favorite casino?

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?
What colour shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?

26. Have you had a will made?

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
Avril Lavigne/Evanescence

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
Hell knows.

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
A what now?

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
At home.

31. Do you have any children yet?

Buttons. 07-10-2007 12:27 AM

1. Do you have a college degree?

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
I have no idea-I don't pay it.

3. Do you have life insurance?
Not that I am aware.

4. How many hours per week do you work?
None currently.

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
A what?

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
Anywhere with alcohol pretty much, it matters more Who I'm With. I like Casi's though.

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
not for work, but i get up about nine usually. if i get this job long term it'll be about 7:30am

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
11 or 12.

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?
ha ha no-you're making the assumption i care about my body there.

11. How large was your first cell phone?
fairly tiny.

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
Never written a research paper.

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?
bit early for that haha, and I wouldn't anyway.

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?
haha deary me...1? actually i didn't really hold that, I lost it fairly rapidly.

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?

17. What is your favorite drink?
coke or tea. yes I am that cool.

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
god only knows-I don't drink it, it's nasty. bring on the vodka :hehe:

19. Have you been divorced?
I'd have to have been married first.

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
still get IDed. *scowls*

21. Favorite casino?
I dont have one.

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?

26. Have you had a will made?
No...really should though, considering my mental health.

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
I haven't been 16 yet lol.

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
haha I dn't really go fancy/upscale, and hate it when I do...*shrugs*

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
A what???

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
At my child minder's.

31. Do you have any children yet?

RenewedHope 07-10-2007 01:51 AM

1. Do you have a college degree?
Sort of I don't know if you would class it as a degree thou

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
dunno my mum pays it.

3. Do you have life insurance?
I dont.

4. How many hours per week do you work?

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?
I like toast!!! But no I haven't

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
anywhere with alcohol.

7. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
Umm my mum drops me off.5 minute drive in the car :D

8. What time do you get up every morning for work?
9.30 have to be in for 11

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
anytime after 11

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?

11. How large was your first cell phone?
That really MASSIVE motorola with the fat arial

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
It provides it but I don't know if it's any good.

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
I dont write research papers.

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?
No, im not old enough yet, i dont think.

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?
5 in the same trade.

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?

17. What is your favorite drink?
non alcoholic-juice or coffe and alcoholic-archers and lemonade.

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
I don't drink it.

19. Have you been divorced?
well I've never been married soooo.....lol.

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?
I still get ID'd now and I'm 20 :(.

21. Favorite casino?
I dont have one.

22. Are you happier now than you were in high school?
Not really.

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?

26. Have you had a will made?

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
Greenday,MCR, the same sorta stuff as now apart from the band who weren't around yet.

Portafinos (sp).

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
A what

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
I just got home from school

31. Do you have any children yet?
Not yet.

ceapach 07-10-2007 02:07 AM

1. Do you have a college degree?

2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
I don't pay it.

3. Do you have life insurance?
I think.

4. How many hours per week do you work?
not much, school full time

5. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters event?

6. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?

7. How many miles is your commute to school each day (one way)?
walking, 45 minutes, 28 by bike, 20 by bus, 8 by car,

8. What time do you get up every morning for school?
depends. 6-7ish.

9. What is your definition of sleeping in late?

10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?

11. How large was your first cell phone?

12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
doesn't offer any. my parents' not really.

13. Did you use the Internet to write a research paper?
yes i do

14. Have you attended a High School reunion?

15. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?
a few

16. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?

17. What is your favorite drink?
erm. dunno. grape pop, vodka, raspberry ice crystal light

18. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
not sure

19. Have you been divorced?

20. How old were you when you stopped getting ID-ed for Alcohol?

21. Favorite casino?

22. Are you happier now than you were in middle school?
a little bit

23. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?

24. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and was attracted to older people?

25. Do you remember when MTV actually played music videos?

26. Have you had a will made?

27. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
not sure.

28. Favorite fancy / upscale restaurant?
the Ethiopian one near here. not fancy, just rill expensive

29. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
never have officially.

30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?

31. Do you have any children yet?

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