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Darkwings44 13-02-2019 06:17 PM

Im done ....
I tryed..... I really try to be happy.....try feel good about myself..but i cant..... i feel so empty..... so sad..... so worthless.... I try to fake happy but ... all i can think about and feel is them ... I done trying ..... right now i just wanna die!!!:crying: :crying:

Darkwings44 13-02-2019 06:26 PM


This is how i feel everyday

one_step_closer 13-02-2019 06:57 PM

I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. Do you have any support in your life? You aren't worthless and you deserve some help through the bad times. What does happy look like to you? You seem to connect to music to express yourself, are there songs that lift you up and motivate you?

Darkwings44 13-02-2019 07:03 PM

No. ....i don't
I dont know anymore. .....
I dont know.....

one_step_closer 13-02-2019 07:07 PM

What do you need right now to help you feel a bit better?

Darkwings44 13-02-2019 07:30 PM

I honestly dont think anything will..i feel very very hopeless.... Ive been feeling this way for months now and im just ready to go to hell right now...... :crying:

one_step_closer 13-02-2019 08:00 PM

It's hard when you feel so hopeless, but that doesn't mean that it's true that there's no hope. What has helped you through these past months while you've been feeling this way? Does anyone know how much you're struggling?

Darkwings44 13-02-2019 08:04 PM

Nothing good....... Just self harm mostly.......

one_step_closer 13-02-2019 08:04 PM

What does self harm do for you? You say mostly self harm, so have there been other things that have helped?

Darkwings44 13-02-2019 08:08 PM

It helps me deal with my emotions
No one knows everyone just thinks that im fine.......

one_step_closer 13-02-2019 08:10 PM

Have you looked at different methods of dealing with your emotions? There are lots of ways that can help with each specific emotion depending on what you're feeling. Do you trust anyone to be honest with them about how you are?

Darkwings44 13-02-2019 08:15 PM

I never thought of that before .....

No i really dont...... Everything i try to talk about the abuse my family doesn't believe me.. . .

one_step_closer 13-02-2019 08:18 PM

Maybe try and identify what you're feeling when you're triggered to self harm or are struggling and then looking into specific coping methods. What emotions do you generally feel? I'm sorry that your family aren't supportive. Are there other people you can talk to, maybe even a helpline?

Darkwings44 13-02-2019 08:23 PM

Disgusting, sadness angry selfhate hopelessness emptyness worthless loneness
No i don't

one_step_closer 13-02-2019 08:29 PM

Some suggestions:

Sadness - funny videos, motivational quotes, treating yourself, talking to a friend, listing things you're grateful for, upbeat music, accepting your emotions and taking care of yourself.

Angry/self hate - write what makes you angry and rip it up.

Loneliness - reach out to someone. If there is no one in real life you can reach out to there are always online places like here. Things on here that are good when you feel lonely are chatting to the people in the 'I need a distraction thread' in the general board or replying to the threads in the fun and distractions board.

I'm sure you could come up with things that are more personal to you.

Darkwings44 13-02-2019 08:35 PM

Thank you.....

Darkwings44 14-02-2019 03:56 PM

I feel like total shit right now ..... Everyone's all ok and happy about Valentine's day and I just want this day to be over I just want my life to be over ::crying:

Darkwings44 14-02-2019 04:18 PM

Why should I be alive? What good will come out of it!? I'm a piece of living shit!!!!!:crying:

Darkwings44 14-02-2019 06:49 PM

:crying: Right now I’m at a Valentines party and a girl here called me a rouch and made me feel worse than before and I just don’t want to feel anything anymore!!!!!

one_step_closer 14-02-2019 07:11 PM

I'm sorry you're feeling so bad within yourself and that other people are leading you to feel even worse. Are there people at the party who you do get on with?

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