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Louise 29-11-2008 08:41 PM

hugs Amanda migraines are horrible, hate them.

i want to give up

BoundNoMore 29-11-2008 08:45 PM

*hugs back*
yeah... I am on meds for the migraines, suppose to prevent them, but they don't work.
I have another appointment with my headache specialist... but it's not until mid-January :-(
Why do you want to give up?

Kahlia1981 29-11-2008 09:11 PM

*hugs Amanda* I hate migraines as well.

MammaMia 29-11-2008 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Kahlia1981 (Post 1251168)
Babies tend to be very cute. I hope you get in lots of cuddles with Grace. :wow: Also, if you are able, take plenty of photographs because she will grow up so fast!!

I'm having a bad night. Well technically it's morning now. 0533 hours. If I slept it was like 10 minutes and now I'm shaking from head to toe. Blech. Hope everyone else is doing better.

*leaves cuddles for everyone*

I did get lots of cuddles in with her :) She will grow up fast indeed. :)

I'm sorry you're having a bad night sweetie :(

mouse in darkness 29-11-2008 09:44 PM

Am glad that such a cute little bub makes you smile Mamma Mia. Hugs are good for you especially from little ones. :)

Mary Anne 29-11-2008 10:05 PM

Was doing okay until Ruth sang on x factor - Bon Jovi always was my first dance with my husband - totally set me off :(

Feeling totally rubbish.

*lots of hugs for everyone*

BoundNoMore 29-11-2008 10:07 PM

*hugs Mary Anne*

Accidentally Abstract 30-11-2008 12:12 AM


MammaMia 30-11-2008 02:33 AM

Can I pm you Kahlia about it?

BoundNoMore 30-11-2008 02:53 AM

*hugs Lucy*

Kahlia1981 30-11-2008 07:32 AM

I'm feeling really bad right now. My youngest niece had her third birthday yesterday and her party was today. My parental units don't quite get the concept that I don't cope well with social situations. Too many people scare me and I shut down. I took my RYL sister along with me, but she has similar issues in that department. We only lasted about 10 minutes before bailing. It makes me feel like crap. Especially since .... no never mind. It doesn't matter anyway.

I hope you all are doing okay.

*leaves cuddles for everyone*

Accidentally Abstract 30-11-2008 10:25 AM

Thanks Amanda *hugs back*. x

Auburn Shadow 30-11-2008 10:53 AM

Sorry haven't been around much over the past few days guys. I'll be around more soon enough, I hope.
*leaves hugs for everyone*

mouse in darkness 30-11-2008 12:51 PM

Kahlia its ok parents are hard to deal with I have that issue as you know. Being in contact with my dads family is scary for me am afriad they will leave me if they find out what goes on in my head, even though I love them so much.

"leaves hugs and a warm and cool drinks for everyone"

Louise 30-11-2008 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Kahlia1981 (Post 1252313)
I'm feeling really bad right now. My youngest niece had her third birthday yesterday and her party was today. My parental units don't quite get the concept that I don't cope well with social situations. Too many people scare me and I shut down. I took my RYL sister along with me, but she has similar issues in that department. We only lasted about 10 minutes before bailing. It makes me feel like crap. Especially since .... no never mind. It doesn't matter anyway.

I hope you all are doing okay.

*leaves cuddles for everyone*

i am sorry you are feeling bad, i am not very good in amoungst a lot of people eaither i take a lot of panic attacks. you say especially since what...it does matter if there is something bother you, you might feel better once it is out. i am sorry your parents don't get the concept of you not like being in social situations, my mum just laughs at me and tells me to get on with it.

leaves hugs for everyone.

Mary Anne 30-11-2008 07:39 PM

just checking in

*hugs and blankets for all* (it is well below freezing here)


Louise 30-11-2008 07:46 PM

it's cold here as well, i might just takes the blanket thanks

how is everyone?

zowie 30-11-2008 08:10 PM

Kahlia. I was on Aripiprazole which did nothing for me, Olanzapine PRN which made me gain loads of weight and am now on Risperidone (was on 6mg and am now on 3).
It would be so much better if it is true that they use PDs as a catch all. I am just so worried that they think I'm lying, and that really upsets me.

I'm feeling really ****. Am about to make a post about it if anyone cares xxxx

Kahlia1981 30-11-2008 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by zowie (Post 1253453)
Kahlia. I was on Aripiprazole which did nothing for me, Olanzapine PRN which made me gain loads of weight and am now on Risperidone (was on 6mg and am now on 3).
It would be so much better if it is true that they use PDs as a catch all. I am just so worried that they think I'm lying, and that really upsets me.

Hmmmm ariprprazole did nothing for me either and I most definitely cannot take risperidone. I'm quite lucky in the sense that I'm still losing weight even though I'm on olanzapine. My biggest concern with it is that it will give me tardive dyskenisea (excuse the bad spelling). I put on a lot of weight due to the risperidone and several other AP medications so I know where you are coming from. It's kind of hard for me to deal with it because I was underweight when I started certain medications and went from a size 8 to a size 18 pretty much overnight.
*hugs zowie* The hospital here was trying to label me BPD which is their catch all but 3 separate private psychiatrists categorised me as schizoaffective bipolar type. I hope that they don't think you are lying. I don't think you are lying .... if that helps in any way. Sometimes Doctors get way too much of a God complex and start trying to tell you what you think and feel.

*hugs everyone and leaves blankets for those in cold place, and fans for those in the warm places (like here in the wonderful (cough, cough) tropics)*

1ofmany 01-12-2008 12:02 AM

Pomegranit thanks for the hug but please not anothing one.
How are you doing helen?

Yesterday was a long waste of time...although i did realise how useless i am.

BoundNoMore 01-12-2008 02:20 AM

You are NOT useless Marc!!!!

MammaMia 01-12-2008 04:17 AM

I'm not doing too great, but trying to be ok. x

Kahlia1981 01-12-2008 05:49 AM

*cuddles Helen*

I'm here and I'm alive. What more does anyone want? Oh, I'm also sweltering my way through a warm day. Last night I actually had my first sleep since moving in here and awoke with a pain in my spine. This is quite normal for me when I'm sleeping on a bed that I'm not used to. However, I got some pretty strong pain killers and took one. They've knocked the pain for six which is quite pleasant.

I also had some trouble with auditory hallucinations earlier and have taken my last PRN tablet. I'm going to ask my pdoc for a script with no repeats and an allowance of up to two a day. Hopefully he says it's okay.

*wakes around the room giving hugs to those who want and/or need them, then steals away into a corner with her textbook*

zowie 01-12-2008 12:40 PM

*Cuddles everyone*

I wish I could just stop eating for once.

Kahlia1981 01-12-2008 01:03 PM

*cuddles zowie* : I know what you mean. I'm having that kind of issue as well, and so is my RYL sister. I hope you manage to get through it.

Hope everyone is doing okay ... at least managing to get by.

*hugs everyone who wants/needs/can accept hugs*

MammaMia 01-12-2008 01:14 PM

*cuddles everyone*

Having another bad day. Been having panic attacks ever since before I went to bed at like 4.30am and since I've woken up. As a result I've got a bad headache & my chest is hurting and my breathing keeps ****ing up. Am trying to get through a minute/5 minutes at a time today. Because I just need to TRY to cope.

Have decided on a few things that I'm going to do todayl, some of it relating to uni.

Kahlia1981 01-12-2008 01:19 PM

Helen : Whoa I hate panic attacks, especially when they just seem to never stop. I hope that you are recovering from them okay. I am glad that you have managed to decide on a bit of a plan for the day. *big hugs*

MammaMia 01-12-2008 01:28 PM

*big hugs*

I hate them. Haven't had them for a while and then I had one crop up the other week. But seriously, this is bad =\

Mary Anne 01-12-2008 01:36 PM

At home again today, feeling low, car has broken down so I can't even go for a drive to a pretty place.

Nervous about going to work tomorrow - have to have a 'back to work' meeting - I hate them, everyone pretends they want to help but you are at work - you are there to work - not to be looked after :(

Kahlia1981 01-12-2008 01:40 PM

Helen : I hope they start to improve. *holds you tight*

Mary Anne : Both mouse in darkness and myself understand where you are coming from. "Return to work" meetings can be painful. We hope that things go well for you though.

MammaMia 01-12-2008 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Kahlia1981 (Post 1255172)
Helen : I hope they start to improve. *holds you tight*

Thanks sweetie *hugs lots*

Auburn Shadow 01-12-2008 04:41 PM

*sigh* I honestly don't know if I'm ok or not right now. Just got a text from a mate, saying he's in a&e but that he's ok. Scared for him. But, the thing is... this is the guy everyone thinks is a sociopath, so... I don't know what to believe at the moment.

1ofmany 01-12-2008 06:24 PM

Zowie i can understand about the eating thing. I had a whole thing of pringles in about 20mins on sat!

Thanks bound, How are you doing?

Auburn I think i have missed you talking about this friend before, I am sure he isnt a sociopath and hope he is ok.

MammaMia 01-12-2008 08:24 PM

I don't think I can be strong anymore.

1ofmany 01-12-2008 10:56 PM

This is **** it is all **** but i cant do anything yet its **** and not fair.

MammaMia 01-12-2008 11:45 PM

Remember what I said in chat.
Please dont.

pez_barbie 02-12-2008 12:47 AM

just checking in, brings lots of hot chocolate for everyone.
no real problems just in that slightly fragile mood, work was terrible today i ****ed up a lot and my suspicions about a fellow colleague's SI were closer to being confirmed which worries me and im still shaky when i think about cleaning up and dressing his last "accident".

Detour. Derail 02-12-2008 01:08 AM

(8) I feel lousey nah nah nah nah nahhhh nahhhh(8)

MammaMia 02-12-2008 01:14 AM

You're not allowed to feel lousy on this special day :P

What's up???????

Detour. Derail 02-12-2008 01:29 AM

I make people feel bad and **** and lousey.

I met my ex the other day....I miss him.
I REALLY want to get back together.
But he could have anyone...why would he choose me?

My throat hurts.

I started smoking again...coz it was either that or cut.

Jetforce 02-12-2008 05:25 AM

*cuddles alexx*

Kahlia1981 02-12-2008 10:17 AM

*offers hugs to all who want/need/can accept them*

I feel like I'm a burden on everyone. I just want to end things .... to get away from everybody. I don't want to be here and holding every person that I meet back. I'm sorry.

Snow White. 02-12-2008 12:25 PM

*lies down on the bed.*

Auburn Shadow 02-12-2008 01:26 PM

*hugs all who want/need/can accept*

*sigh* Counselling in just under an hour. I was looking forward to it, strangely, because it helps, but now, I'm dreading having to talk about things, and I'm not entirely sure why.

I'll let you guys know how it goes when I return. Could be some time, last session lasted about 4 hours... eek.

1ofmany 02-12-2008 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by MammaMia (Post 1256497)
Remember what I said in chat.
Please dont.

Dont worry I can't do anything at the moment anyway.

Am still pretty down but am still around...that somthing?

MammaMia 02-12-2008 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Kahlia1981 (Post 1257216)
*offers hugs to all who want/need/can accept them*

I feel like I'm a burden on everyone. I just want to end things .... to get away from everybody. I don't want to be here and holding every person that I meet back. I'm sorry.

*cuddles on Kahlia* You are NOT leaving and you NOT a burden. Trust me sweetie. <3


Originally Posted by Aimee in Wonderland (Post 1257382)
*lies down on the bed.*

*jumps on Aimee* You ok babe?


Originally Posted by Auburn Shadow (Post 1257457)
*hugs all who want/need/can accept*

*sigh* Counselling in just under an hour. I was looking forward to it, strangely, because it helps, but now, I'm dreading having to talk about things, and I'm not entirely sure why.

I'll let you guys know how it goes when I return. Could be some time, last session lasted about 4 hours... eek.

*cuddles tight* I know you've been there for nearly an hour or so, hope it's going okay and it isn't as mad/intense as last time, will text you about 3.40ish


Originally Posted by 1ofmany (Post 1257648)
Dont worry I can't do anything at the moment anyway.

Am still pretty down but am still around...that somthing?

I'm glad you can't, just don't it at all please?? *cuddles* I know it's WELL hard but it will get better, people love you.xx

Me...? Well I'm still struggling and have had a panic attack and no doubt have one soon, but am feeling great about being 6 months. Today's been...emotional. I mean I've had to talk about Stef with my notetaker, but it helped and stuff. Then went & saw Heather, now that was um helpful I guess. Plus...got counselling in 15 minutes, getting REALLY nervous and I hope she hasn't given my slot to someone else, which is a possibility.


BoundNoMore 02-12-2008 06:32 PM

*cuddles everyone*

Auburn Shadow 02-12-2008 07:25 PM

Right, just got back in, thought I'd drop off a load of hugs for you guys. Gotta head out for food and that lot, so don't have time to update on the counselling session until I get back.

Hells, I'll text you back soon. ly lots hun. take care. You know where I am if you wanna talk. *huge huggles*

pez_barbie 02-12-2008 07:37 PM

can i still stay in here?

1ofmany 02-12-2008 08:34 PM

Anyone is welcome here.

Giveing wishes to all who are around.

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