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not_so_insig 23-05-2018 03:54 PM

I picked up the meds. Unfortunately what I didn't realise is that I was just picking up the script from the cmht and had to walk to the pharmacy. Unfortunately the pharmacy is the opposite side of the hospital to the cmht so cue a long walk. Unfortunately I think that I now developing a blister. Then a half hour wait until I could collect the meds in the most uncomfortable chairs. Ah well I suppose it is worth it.

Cacoethes 23-05-2018 03:56 PM

I'm glad you're feeling ok despite everything Aubergine
Electric bikes look cool!

Serendipity. 23-05-2018 04:05 PM

I'm glad you're feeling okay Ducky (although I'm sorry there are difficult things going on!)

Glad you got them Dawn.

I've been productive all day but now I've run out of zoom! And I really need to do some packing!

not_so_insig 23-05-2018 04:08 PM

Thanks Hannah. I am sitting here feeling knackered and drinking Pepsi max cherry.

Buttons. 23-05-2018 04:09 PM

Cherry always a good flavour.

not_so_insig 23-05-2018 04:12 PM

I went looking for a handbag in my wardrobe before and found 2 playstation games. I might play them later.

Aubergine 23-05-2018 04:13 PM

I'm glad you got them, Dawn! :)

Electric bikes ARE cool. I have a normal bike too. :) The electric bike gets me to the hospital in less than ten minutes though! I do have to pedal - it's assisted pedalling rather than just zooming me along, so I do have to do a BIT of work. But it is only a bit...

Well done, Hannah! It's OK to run out of zoom. Can you rest for a bit and then pack just one box or something?

Buttons. 23-05-2018 04:14 PM

Electric bike sounds good despite the effort :)

Hope you enjoy the games Dawn.

Buttons. 23-05-2018 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Serendipity. (Post 4173597)

I've been productive all day but now I've run out of zoom! And I really need to do some packing!

Like already said by others take a break then just do a little at a time x

Cacoethes 23-05-2018 04:17 PM

I'd quite like a bike.
I have nowhere to store one though!

And yes, take a break Hannah!

I wish I had some zoom!!

Aubergine 23-05-2018 04:19 PM

The effort makes me feel like I've at least moved my legs a little bit, so it's quite a good think really (in my head anyway, really it's no exercise at all as I don't get out of breath!)

Hello Buttons!

Aubergine 23-05-2018 04:20 PM

A folding bike, Beckie! My electric bike is a folding bike!

Buttons. 23-05-2018 04:22 PM

Hello :) Sounds good Aubergine.

I have trouble folding my wheelchair let alone a bloody bike :P

Cacoethes 23-05-2018 04:24 PM

Ooo a folding bike!
I didn't know they had folding electric bikes!

Aubergine 23-05-2018 04:31 PM

They do! It is a bit old, but cost about £1000 when my Nan bought it! Now she doesn't use it because she needs an upright bike because of her back, so I got it. :D She said it's like compensation because the DVLA are silly and won't let me drive. (But the GPhC will let me hand out morphine and stronger drugs to people. Go figure. :wow:) She is my favourite! (Don't tell the cat.)

Cacoethes 23-05-2018 04:33 PM

Woah £1000?!
I could buy a car for that!
Lucky you for getting it free
Nan's are great!
Why won't the DVLA let you drive?

Eska 23-05-2018 04:39 PM

Afternoon people! I just escaped from work early :)

Cacoethes 23-05-2018 04:40 PM

Hey eska!
Yay for escaping!!

Aubergine 23-05-2018 04:53 PM

I know! My Nan is a bit flush. Sha saved all of her life, as did my Gran, so when my Gran died a few years ago she treated herself to a few things. Including a brand new car and an electric bike!

Hey Eska! Hooray for escaping! :)

They took my provisional off me when I was in hospital and had to hand the thing back when I got out (thank you, Mrs Psychiatrist) and now my psych won't support me getting it back until I've been stable on the aripiprazole for six months. It was all going OK until I lost some meds so halved the dose for a few weeks to eek out what I had left (I know, I know, I should know better, but 'do as I say and not as I do, right?) I went a bit mental and so the six months start allllllllll over again. :plain:

Serendipity. 23-05-2018 04:56 PM

That sounds very frustrating Ducky but you'll get there!

Yay Eska :)

Thanks everyone. I packed some stuff. Now my room looks like a bombsite! Oops..

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